[Lazarus] Lazarus compile project via ssh?

Anthony Walter sysrpl at gmail.com
Sun Dec 20 08:59:35 CET 2015

I am wondering, is it possible to configure Lazarus to compile a project on
a remote computer running a different platform/architecture through ssh?

I've been doing Lazarus development on Linux on a quad core amd64 desktop
PC for a while now and it feels comfortable. But I do have a few arm6/7
Raspberry Pi computers with FPC/Lazarus as well.

While the Pi can run a Gtk2 desktop and Lazarus, it's sluggish and its web
browser is just awful (I use it for copy and paste code from specific

For the past few days I've been using Lazarus on my Linux desktop PC to
write code stored on my Pi. I keep it under /home/pi/Development folder and
mount it to my desktop PC at /home/desktopuser/pi with sshfs. Then I
compile a program to test my framework for compilation hints/errors using
an opened ssh from my desktop PC to the PI.

e.g. Desktop PC terminal ssh'ed into a Pi:
pi at raspberrypi:~/Development/FreePascal/Projects/Bare $ fpc test.pas

And this works OK, but I still have to transcribe output hint/error line
numbers back into my desktop lazarus (Ctrl+G goto line).

This leads me to think, shouldn't it be possible to skip the ssh terminal
command line compiler, and instead configure Lazarus to use an ssh to
compile "fpc test.pas" on the Pi for me? Through shh the build results
would go to the Lazarus message window highlighting and lines with errors
in the text editor on my desktop PC?

If this is possible to configure I'd appreciate it if anyone could send me
a link to a guide. I would be appreciative and much more productive if this
were possible.
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