[Lazarus] Lazarus compile project via ssh?

Donald Ziesig donald at ziesig.org
Sun Dec 20 23:46:36 CET 2015

On 12/20/2015 07:52 AM, Anthony Walter wrote:
> Thanks everyone for your replies.
> Regarding cross compilation, my code contains a sections linking to 
> the broadcom driver and several other files (a whole slew of different 
> vchi modules), which in turns links to many other files. For cross 
> compile to work I would need to find all the required libs and static 
> files (*.a) file upon which they depend to cross compile. And for the 
> static libs link order needs to be preserved 
> (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/45135/why-does-the-order-in-which-libraries-are-linked-sometimes-cause-errors-in-gcc) 
> or compilation fails. On the Pi I use a have config program (provided 
> by broadcom) in an ifdef withing my Pi's fpc.cfg. The config program 
> dynamically generates settings for the gnu ld command to produce the 
> correct static lib order.
> Rather than trying to solve these types of linking issues (not to 
> mention the generating the correct hard float cross compiler) on my 
> desktop PC, I thought my current workflow was easier a lot easier.
> Also, the ssh method for me has the added benefit of allowing me to 
> execute my Pi program from a terminal on my desktop PC, and see the 
> results in that terminal as the Pi brings up a full screen UI on 
> another monitor. See this video taken from another developer -> 
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhWs_3_SuW0 .The difference my case is 
> that I've written code to control a fullscreen Pi app through the ssh 
> terminal, while on the Pi the terminal is not visible/accessible.
> --
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Hi Anthony,

I gave up on cross compiling, but I have had much success developing on 
the pi using VNC/SSH.  The pi is overclocked to 1000Mhz and the 
responsiveness is satisfactory when compared with my quad-core laptop.  
The nice thing is that I only need one keyboard, display and mouse.  The 
only bad thing is that I haven't figured out how to share the 
clipboard.  (VNC says it can sync clipboards but it doesn't work for me.)

My next move will be to store the source code on the laptop and access 
it from the pi.  I did this (storing common source code) between Linux 
Mint and Windows.  It worked except that Lazarus on Linux got confused 
about the modified status of files saved on Windows and vice versa.

Now, if anyone could give me a script or recipe for setting up FPC 3.0.0 
and Lazarus 1.6RC2 on a virgin installation of Raspbian I would be truly 
thankful  (Preferably from source).  Everything I tried so far keeps 
telling me I need to run *fpcmake* because it doesn't know about the 
target.  I think I am missing parameters to the *make* command for 
either or both.  At one point I had FPC 3.0.1 working, but Lazarus kept 
complaining about needing fpcmake.

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