[Lazarus] rc2 debugger error

JuuS JuuS at mykolab.ch
Wed Mar 4 18:58:57 CET 2015

Hi Martin,

Thank you for the instructions! That is very cool (-gw), didn't know how
to do that...I will be playing there sometimes methinks...

Anyway, I followed instructions and there are no call stack messages,
the debugger error window shows up immediately.

I put a breakpoint in formcreate and also in the project source both, in
the hope it would force something, but unfortunately neither breakpoint
was hit.

Am archiving the original problematic PUB files and will send to you.

BTW, any drawbacks to keeping the -gw switch on? I'd like to keep the
ability to debug ide I guess,...just in case  ;-)


On 03/04/2015 03:14 PM, Martin Frb wrote:
> On 04/03/2015 13:37, JuuS wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> FYI, all the issues are exactly the same with rc2 as it was with rc1 as
>> regards opening and running a published version of my project vs. the
>> original/unchanged project. Solution is once again removing default icon
>> entry in LPI file.
>> Has no one else seen this?
>> If you want I have no problem sending the published folder (it's not
>> big) to someone who may want to trace it in some manner.
> You can sent it. With luck it will reproduce. It might be something that
> depends on the exact OS version/ setup you have.
> Also you could try this: Debug the IDE when it happens.
> - Start Lazarus, as you always to.
> - Tools > configure build lazarus => rebuild with -gw in the options
> - restart
> - open project ide/lazarus.lpi
> - F9
> Now a 2nd Lazarus starts. In this 2nd Lazarus open your published
> project, and try to run it. Hopefully it produces the error.
> With a bit of luck the first started IDE will report that there was an
> exception. Get a stacktrace.
> Thanks
> -- 
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