[Lazarus] Test This Please

JuuS JuuS at mykolab.ch
Fri Nov 6 11:29:34 CET 2015

On 11/06/2015 11:22 AM, Luca Olivetti wrote:
> El 06/11/15 a les 09:55, Anthony Walter ha escrit:
>> To Debian based Lazarus users, if you have the inclination can you test
>> this out, or provide some feedback:
> On kde (kubuntu 15.10) with compositing disabled the window never
> disappears (when I click on the checkbox it just stays there without the
> graph moving) and it has black corners, as well a a black background in
> the slider.

This could very well be the exact same problem I had with my program and
15.10. GTK is broken in some manner, using the libqt4pas5 (and compiling
for qt with the dev library) fixed it. My problem was also the black
corners and black back/fore ground.

> Everything is fine with compositing enabled, but I usually leave it
> disabled.
> The hotkey works, $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP is KDE.
> Bye

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