[Lazarus] LHelp or help systems that also work on..

Andrew Haines andrewd207 at aol.com
Fri Nov 18 13:08:34 CET 2016

On 11/18/2016 06:36 AM, Lars via Lazarus wrote:
> Hi,
> Since I use both Lazarus and Delphi and never just use one or the other,
> is there any help system that works in both delphi and Lazarus? i.e.
> anyone port LHelp to delphi so delphi apps can have a similar help system?
> Or any other help systems that are portable between Laz and Delphi?
> I haven't studied much, but my guess is LHelp was specifically built for
> Lazarus and never considered Delphi, due to the name "L Help" which stands
> for maybe lazarus help.  Assumptions here...
lhelp uses IPC to communicate so it wouldn't be too bad to write a 
Delphi unit to control it. Compiling lhelp though is a fpc only job.




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