[Lazarus] Colorconversion in htmlreport

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 11 16:52:42 CET 2017

On 3/11/17, frans via Lazarus <lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> I want to use the color #D8FFF4.
> But the function Color2HTML translate that code to $00D8FFF4#

That makes no sense to me.
#D8FFF4 looks like HTML color coding, so calling ColorToHTML on that
makes no sense (or the name of that makes no sense).

Here's a ColorToHtml function from the SynExportHtml unit that works
correctly (at least in my limited tests):

function ColorToHTML(AColor: TColor): string;
  RGBColor: TColorRef;
  RGBValue: byte;
  Digits: array[0..15] of char = '0123456789ABCDEF';
  Result := '';
  case AColor of
    clRed:     Result := 'red';
    clGreen:   Result := 'green';
    clBlue:    Result := 'blue';
    clPurple:  Result := 'purple';
    clYellow:  Result := 'yellow';
    clBlack:   Result := 'black';
    clWhite:   Result := 'white';
    clGray:    Result := 'gray';
    clMaroon:  Result := 'maroon';
    clFuchsia: Result := 'fuchsia';
    clLime:    Result := 'lime';
    clNavy:    Result := 'navy';
    clAqua:    Result := 'aqua';
    clTeal:    Result := 'teal';
    clSilver:  Result := 'silver';
  if (Result <> '') then
  RGBColor := ColorToRGB(AColor);
  Result := '#000000';
  RGBValue := GetRValue(RGBColor);
  if RGBValue > 0 then begin
    Result[2] := Digits[RGBValue shr  4];
    Result[3] := Digits[RGBValue and 15];
  RGBValue := GetGValue(RGBColor);
  if RGBValue > 0 then begin
    Result[4] := Digits[RGBValue shr  4];
    Result[5] := Digits[RGBValue and 15];
  RGBValue := GetBValue(RGBColor);
  if RGBValue > 0 then begin
    Result[6] := Digits[RGBValue shr  4];
    Result[7] := Digits[RGBValue and 15];

Note that the represetation of TColor and HTML color (if you both
write them out as hex) is not in the same order.


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