[Lazarus] New XML format for project info files

Werner Pamler werner.pamler at freenet.de
Sun Mar 17 13:05:38 CET 2019

Am 17.03.2019 um 12:29 schrieb Juha Manninen via lazarus:
> What is the problem?

Suppose I fix a bug in a demo program which comes with Lazarus, it 
clearly is a bug and there is no reason why it should not be backported 
to Fixes. I usually work with trunk, and now I must think of checking 
the compatibility box. I certainly will forget this, and the demo 
program will be broken in the Fixes branch.

Not to mention all the third party programs out there which now are so 
nicely available by means of OPM. How will you force every developer to 
work in compatibility mode? And they have to change it with every demo 
project. It would be a bit better if there were a global option of 
setting the default for the compatibility box.

And I see more trouble: package lpk files still use the old format of 
numbered nodes. When you once decide to introduce the new format also 
for packages also the packages will be broken - so far it's "only" the 

Sorry, this is a mess.

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