[Lazarus] gdb problems on ubtuntu 19.10

Anthony Walter sysrpl at gmail.com
Fri Nov 1 02:27:42 CET 2019

I know this problem is not entirely Lazarus related, but I'm hoping someone
here might be able to provide some insight.

On a fresh install of Ubuntu 19.10 when running projects from Lazarus with
gdb debugging, any and all projects take anywhere from 20 to 30 seconds to
become interactive after a project has been compiled and run. That is, the
visual forms either do not appear when running, or appear but an
unresponsive for 20-30 seconds. If I run without the debugger the programs
start almost instantly.

When I run the same program from a terminal using gdb manually, I get the
same unresponsive delay.

Does anyone know what the problem might be and how to fix it? I've done a
little google foo searching and have come up empty.

Thanks for your help.

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