December 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Dec 1 00:24:48 CET 2016
Ending: Thu Dec 29 19:02:36 CET 2016
Messages: 198
- [Lazarus] MWA Software's Firebird Pascal API
vfclists .
- [Lazarus] DBGrid - Patch review request
Jesus Reyes A.
- [Lazarus] AutoAdjustLayout fixes
- [Lazarus] CCR, how to send files?
- [Lazarus] Form Width bigger than 4096 pixels?
- [Lazarus] TextHint rewrite
- [Lazarus] TControl.ScaleCoord
- [Lazarus] Dupl. code: ScaleCoord
- [Lazarus] Patch for ShortcutToText, array
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
- [Lazarus] Patch for ShortcutToText, array
- [Lazarus] TabControl TabWidth/TabHeight patch
- [Lazarus] Qt is broken, ATSynedit
- [Lazarus] Temp dir for unnamed proj
- [Lazarus] Temp dir for unnamed proj
- [Lazarus] Temp dir for unnamed proj
- [Lazarus] Mac Retina hi-res canvas
- [Lazarus] TextHint rewrite
- [Lazarus] Patch for ShortcutToText, array
- [Lazarus] In search of a component for holding a table of strings
- [Lazarus] Laz 1.6.3 and Frames
Bo Berglund
- [Lazarus] How to utilize goRowMoving with TDBGird?
Gabor Boros
- [Lazarus] DBGrid - Patch review request
Gabor Boros
- [Lazarus] DBGrid - Patch review request
Gabor Boros
- [Lazarus] QT5 support
Erwin van den Bosch
- [Lazarus] QT5 support
Erwin van den Bosch
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Erwin van den Bosch
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Erwin van den Bosch
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Erwin van den Bosch
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Erwin van den Bosch
- [Lazarus] Clarification about VirtualTreeView repositories (lazarus-ccr/virtualtreeview-new deprecation)
Luiz Americo Pereira Camara
- [Lazarus] Clarification about VirtualTreeView repositories (lazarus-ccr/virtualtreeview-new deprecation)
Luiz Americo Pereira Camara
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Michael Van Canneyt
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Michael Van Canneyt
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Michael Van Canneyt
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Michael Van Canneyt
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF and RTF Support
Michael Van Canneyt
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF change
Michael Van Canneyt
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF change
Michael Van Canneyt
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF change
Michael Van Canneyt
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF change
Michael Van Canneyt
- [Lazarus] Why is SAX so slow?
Michael Van Canneyt
- [Lazarus] Old Lazarus code fail at runtime
Giuliano Colla
- [Lazarus] TForm.GetFormImage is broken?
Giuliano Colla
- [Lazarus] SQLite & DB Aware Components
Martin Collins
- [Lazarus] SQLite & DB Aware Components
Martin Collins
- [Lazarus] SQLite & DB Aware Components
Martin Collins
- [Lazarus] Opening websites
Larry Dalton
- [Lazarus] Old Lazarus code fail at runtime
- [Lazarus] Laz 1.6.3 and Frames
Tomáš Emresz
- [Lazarus] [SOLVED] Laz 1.6.3 and Frames
Tomáš Emresz
- [Lazarus] MariaDB, SQLConnection - Suse vs Debian
Gordon Findlay
- [Lazarus] MariaDB, SQLConnection - Suse vs Debian
Gordon Findlay
- [Lazarus] Anchordocking -> CloseAll is hiding the mainform and close all forms
Andreas Frieß
- [Lazarus] TTabSheet extending - where is the editor in TPageControl or a hook
Andreas Frieß
- [Lazarus] Code Observer suggestions and bugs
Mattias Gaertner
- [Lazarus] "Some files have changed on disk"
Mattias Gaertner
- [Lazarus] Form Width bigger than 4096 pixels?
Mattias Gaertner
- [Lazarus] How to open the help for the selected identifier?
Mattias Gaertner
- [Lazarus] Trouble [re-]installing fpc from SourceForge (and other sources)
Mattias Gaertner
- [Lazarus] Lazarus Release 1.6.2
Mattias Gaertner
- [Lazarus] Trouble [re-]installing fpc from SourceForge (and other sources)
Mattias Gaertner
- [Lazarus] IDE main window?
Mattias Gaertner
- [Lazarus] Laz 1.6.3 and Frames
Mattias Gaertner
- [Lazarus] Can't find unit varutils used by variants
Mattias Gaertner
- [Lazarus] Can't find unit varutils used by variants
Mattias Gaertner
- [Lazarus] Errors reading non-English characters
Mattias Gaertner
- [Lazarus] Laz 1.6.3 and Frames
Mattias Gaertner
- [Lazarus] DoomRL based of FPC now open sourced
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF and RTF Support
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF and RTF Support
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF and RTF Support
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF change
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF change
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF change
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF change
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF change
Graeme Geldenhuys
- [Lazarus] TForm.GetFormImage is broken?
Fabio Luis Girardi
- [Lazarus] TForm.GetFormImage is broken?
Fabio Luis Girardi
- [Lazarus] Opening websites
Péter Gábor
- [Lazarus] FPC on Rpi3 executable module sizes
Ken Kashmarek
- [Lazarus] SQLite & DB Aware Components
- [Lazarus] Howto find the projects that needs package xy?
John Landmesser
- [Lazarus] SQLite & DB Aware Components
- [Lazarus] DoomRL based of FPC now open sourced
- [Lazarus] FPC on Rpi3 executable module sizes
- [Lazarus] DoomRL based of FPC now open sourced
- [Lazarus] macOS developer files and bindings to be created
- [Lazarus] Why is SAX so slow?
- [Lazarus] Errors reading non-English characters
David M. Lawrence
- [Lazarus] IDE main window?
Mark Morgan Lloyd
- [Lazarus] Old Lazarus code fail at runtime
Chavoux Luyt
- [Lazarus] Old Lazarus code fail at runtime
Chavoux Luyt
- [Lazarus] LazUtils package has no dependencies for LCL or other GUI
Juha Manninen
- [Lazarus] Tools->Options segfaults with ancient gtk (GtkTreeView problem)
Juha Manninen
- [Lazarus] Tools->Options segfaults with ancient gtk (GtkTreeView problem)
Juha Manninen
- [Lazarus] Tools->Options segfaults with ancient gtk (GtkTreeView problem)
Juha Manninen
- [Lazarus] Patch for ShortcutToText, array
Juha Manninen
- [Lazarus] Lazarus from trunk doesn't compile in bigide
Juha Manninen
- [Lazarus] Can't find unit varutils used by variants
Juha Manninen
- [Lazarus] Can't find unit varutils used by variants
Juha Manninen
- [Lazarus] TForm.GetFormImage is broken?
Juha Manninen
- [Lazarus] Old Lazarus code fail at runtime
José Mejuto
- [Lazarus] DoomRL based of FPC now open sourced
Kostas Michalopoulos
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Kostas Michalopoulos
- [Lazarus] Tools->Options segfaults with ancient gtk (GtkTreeView problem)
Luca Olivetti
- [Lazarus] {Spam?} Re: Tools->Options segfaults with ancient gtk (GtkTreeView problem)
Luca Olivetti
- [Lazarus] Tools->Options segfaults with ancient gtk (GtkTreeView problem)
Luca Olivetti
- [Lazarus] Tools->Options segfaults with ancient gtk (GtkTreeView problem)
Luca Olivetti
- [Lazarus] Tools->Options segfaults with ancient gtk (GtkTreeView problem)
Luca Olivetti
- [Lazarus] Tools->Options segfaults with ancient gtk (GtkTreeView problem)
Luca Olivetti
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Luca Olivetti
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Luca Olivetti
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Luca Olivetti
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Luca Olivetti
- [Lazarus] TTabSheet extending - where is the editor in TPageControl or a hook
Howard Page-Clark
- [Lazarus] "Some files have changed on disk"
Werner Pamler
- [Lazarus] "Some files have changed on disk"
Werner Pamler
- [Lazarus] Why is SAX so slow?
Werner Pamler
- [Lazarus] Why is SAX so slow?
Werner Pamler
- [Lazarus] TForm.GetFormImage is broken?
Werner Pamler
- [Lazarus] In search of a component for holding a table of strings
Werner Pamler
- [Lazarus] TextHint rewrite
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] IDE main window?
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF change
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF change
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF change
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF change
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF change
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF change
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] Clarification about VirtualTreeView repositories (lazarus-ccr/virtualtreeview-new deprecation)
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] Clarification about VirtualTreeView repositories (lazarus-ccr/virtualtreeview-new deprecation)
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] Qt is broken, ATSynedit
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] TTabSheet extending - where is the editor in TPageControl or a hook
Ondrej Pokorny
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Tommi Prami
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF and RTF Support
Leonardo M. Ramé
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF and RTF Support
Leonardo M. Ramé
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF and RTF Support
Leonardo M. Ramé
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF and RTF Support
Leonardo M. Ramé
- [Lazarus] FCL-PDF and RTF Support
Leonardo M. Ramé
- [Lazarus] Initial NoGUI LCL support for Amiga Systems
Marcus Sackrow
- [Lazarus] Trouble [re-]installing fpc from SourceForge (and other sources)
- [Lazarus] MariaDB, SQLConnection - Suse vs Debian
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
- [Lazarus] TForm.GetFormImage is broken?
Balázs Székely
- [Lazarus] TForm.GetFormImage is broken?
Balázs Székely
- [Lazarus] Patch for ShortcutToText, array
Michael W. Vogel
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
Michael W. Vogel
- [Lazarus] TForm.GetFormImage is broken?
Michael W. Vogel
- [Lazarus] TForm.GetFormImage is broken?
Michael W. Vogel
- [Lazarus] Why is SAX so slow?
Marco van de Voort
- [Lazarus] DoomRL based of FPC now open sourced
Anthony Walter
- [Lazarus] DoomRL based of FPC now open sourced
Anthony Walter
- [Lazarus] MWA Software's Firebird Pascal API
Tony Whyman
- [Lazarus] Trouble [re-]installing fpc from SourceForge (and other sources)
Donald Ziesig
- [Lazarus] Trouble [re-]installing fpc from SourceForge (and other sources)
Donald Ziesig
- [Lazarus] IDE main window?
Donald Ziesig
- [Lazarus] Opening websites
micsch at
- [Lazarus] MariaDB, SQLConnection - Suse vs Debian
- [Lazarus] Can't find unit varutils used by variants
- [Lazarus] Lazarus from trunk doesn't compile in bigide
- [Lazarus] Lazarus from trunk doesn't compile in bigide
- [Lazarus] Can't find unit varutils used by variants
- [Lazarus] Can't find unit varutils used by variants
- [Lazarus] Can't find unit varutils used by variants
- [Lazarus] LazUtils package has no dependencies for LCL or other GUI
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
info at
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
info at
- [Lazarus] DoomRL based of FPC now open sourced
wkitty42 at
- [Lazarus] Temp dir for unnamed proj
wkitty42 at
- [Lazarus] Temp dir for unnamed proj
wkitty42 at
- [Lazarus] {Spam?} Re: Tools->Options segfaults with ancient gtk (GtkTreeView problem)
- [Lazarus] {Spam?} Re: QT5 support
- [Lazarus] {Spam?} Re: QT5 support
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
- [Lazarus] New high DPI features in 1.7
- [Lazarus] Qt is broken, ATSynedit
- [Lazarus] Qt is broken, ATSynedit
- [Lazarus] Qt is broken, ATSynedit
Last message date:
Thu Dec 29 19:02:36 CET 2016
Archived on: Thu Dec 29 19:05:39 CET 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).